A Heart for People with Agent Drew Miller
You will be better able to comprehend the difficulties an individual is dealing with if you ask the correct questions and listen attentively to your clients. You must believe that you can truly help them without necessarily thinking of any gain for yourself — other than the satisfaction of knowing that through your knowledge and humanistic approach, you can positively affect them. This requires having a completely detached agenda and making that person feel at ease.
Drew Miller, is a Sales Leader for First Class Real Estate, Mid-Atlantic in Virginia Beach, Virginia. First Class Real Estate is recognised for its strong, hospitable atmosphere and franchise ownership opportunities. It offers a 100% entrepreneur model and top-notch tools.
A Heart for People with Agent Drew Miller
You will be better able to comprehend the difficulties an individual is dealing with if you ask the correct questions and listen attentively to your clients. You must believe that you can truly help them without necessarily thinking of any gain for yourself — other than the satisfaction of knowing that through your knowledge and humanistic approach, you can positively affect them. This requires having a completely detached agenda and making that person feel at ease.
Drew Miller, is a Sales Leader for First Class Real Estate, Mid-Atlantic in Virginia Beach, Virginia. First Class Real Estate is recognised for its strong, hospitable atmosphere and franchise ownership opportunities. It offers a 100% entrepreneur model and top-notch tools.
Drew and his wife jointly own At Peace Realty, where they operate their company as a ministry. Drew has experience in both real estate and mortgages, and his wife is a lawyer. Both Virginia and North Carolina have granted Drew a licence. He joins The Entrepreneurial Agent to talk about his company philosophy of putting empathy and people first, working with real estate investors, and how and why he got into real estate.
00:00 Introduction
0:41 Introducing Drew Miller
1:34 Drew’s background and how he got into real estate
5:53 Explaining the renovation field in real estate
9:36 Working with investors in real estate
13:15 Drew’s story of an interesting real estate transaction
18:12 Drew’s approach to business: making it personal
23:42 Today’s biggest challenges in real estate
Connect with Paul
Website: https://vantagepointresidential.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/paul-neal-47b8478/
Connect with Drew Miller:
Phone: 770-596-2696
Email: drewm@1stclassre.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DrewMillerRealEstate
Contact Page: https://www.1stclassrealestate.com/agent-profile/drew-miller-106219602
Full Transcript
Paul Neal: [00:00:00] Well, hello, welcome to the entrepreneurial agent podcast. Today. Today we have the great honor of welcoming drew Miller sales leader of first class real estate. Mid-Atlantic in Virginia Beach, Virginia. They have a hundred percent entrepreneur models, amazing tools, a strong and warm culture in franchise ownership opportunities.
First class has grown tremendously and drew found a home there. He owns co-owns at peace Realty where he and his wife, Paul. Both licensed in real estate, run their business team. As a ministry. Drew has a mortgage background in addition to real estate and his wife has a legal background. Drew is licensed in both Virginia and North Carolina, and we’re excited to have drew here on the show today.
Welcome drew. Good to be here, Paul. Thanks for having me, man. You bet. I’ve been looking forward to this conversation for quite some. Me too. so, uh, I, I want to talk all about your real estate experience, your, your entrepreneurial experience with that. What you’ve [00:01:00] got going on. I know, uh, you’re currently a sales manager and building a team and doing a lot of great things, but, uh, I always like to kind of start off finding out sort of where people came from, cuz I think it’s interesting to know, you know, your experiences and uh, and what kind of got you here?
Drew Miller: Well, let’s see. Um, once upon a time I was born. And the first words were real and a statement. Um, well, I actually, I, I start, I started to pursue my career, um, as a teacher, um, I, I went to, um, Kennesaw state university in Georgia, transferred to ODU, wanted to be an English, uh, teacher and really primarily a theater director on the high school level.
But then I decided somewhere along my junior year, I didn’t wanna do that anymore. My mom kind of taught me out. Um, I do have respect for teachers, but they didn’t don’t really make a lot of money when they probably should. Um, so to provide for my [00:02:00] family, I just decided I’d go a different route. I landed this awesome job in the mortgage industry.
Um, in mortgage operations specifically, I started doing anything from collateral to post-closing, um, title, endorsements, title, curative, REO, closing. and then even get this mobile home win . Um, wow. And then I did renovation loan processing, and then loan processing supervisor after that, but all that in five years in various roles.
And I just realized I couldn’t sit behind a desk anymore and I decided, okay. I, I think I could probably be a good loan officer, but I really want to go to the real estate. So that’s what I did. I took my license and here I am, so,
Paul Neal: wow. Okay. So you, you definitely took a circuitous path. I mean, teaching, um, theater, you know, I [00:03:00] love theater.
I don’t know that I could ever do it, but, uh, I certainly appreciate those that do it. it’s a lot of. Yeah. Yeah. Well, but from there into the mortgage business and the, the administrative and processing the detail orientation of that, I could see how you’d want to get back into real estate, where you’re working more with clients hands on in the field and, and your creativity.
uh, but I imagine your experience of five, five years or so in the mortgage industry, kind of seeing all aspects of the back end has, has impacted your ability to represent clients and understand the process. Absolutely.
Drew Miller: I mean, the knowledge that I’ve gained through that, um, the paperwork, seeing it, all, seeing that process, being able to really earlier on in my real estate career, being able to definitely represent buyers in.
Awesome way, because I know that side of it. Um, you know, I’m not sure of other agents, but I [00:04:00] know that at least now as a sales leader, I’ve seen agents struggle in knowing the mortgage process and it makes it a lot easier to be able to not only handle that for clients, of course, with the precursor of, I’m not a licensed loan officer, like the great Paul rule, but I do have enough experience to.
You know how to, to, to do certain things. I mean, I could go as far as calculating income, but I’m not doing that, but I at least know loan types, how the paperwork works. So I, I had a little bit of, um, an advantage to being able to know, especially the documentation side of it. Um, but it gave me a boost of confidence too, honestly.
Paul Neal: Yeah. I can imagine that. And it seems to me that. You’re able to give insight to your clients just in terms of the process and expectations. Yeah. Um, cuz you’ve been there and you’ve seen the, and maybe even, maybe even sort of [00:05:00] advanced warning on any landmines that they might be walking into, you know, just, um, based on that.
Well, yeah,
Drew Miller: and I mean, even the renovation, the renovation experience, um, has helped me a lot. I guess you could say that would be my specialized niche. If I have. Um, you know, I can see a home pretty easily and evaluate what’s needed. I can give fair ARV with after repair value. Um, and so the renovation processing background really helped with that.
And, and even though that might be a challenge to some, I really like the renovation side of it.
Paul Neal: and you say renovation so specifically, so everyone understands is that, are you talking about buying a home with the intent of renovating it? Like you’re, I’m gonna buy a home and move into it, but I’m gonna renovate as part of the process, is that.
Uh, like on the investment side, um, cuz you, we hear all about, you know, people buying homes to renovate and either rent, rent them out [00:06:00] or sort of flip and sell ’em what, is there one particular area or sort of all of that? Well,
Drew Miller: I mean a lot of people, when you say renovation, especially when it comes to mortgage, it could be a renovation loan option, but not necessarily, it’s more so letting the client expand their horizons and not just stop.
I gotta have a move in ready home. It gives them more options to be able to see, you know, Hey, I can update this if I do it this way. So having that background actually helps them ed educate them, but yes, for investors too, investors, you know, um, they’ll come in to a lot of as is deals, for example, especially on the residential side.
Um, and even on the commercial side, which you, you know, a lot. Um, you know, they’ll come into it and they’ll, they’ll look at it and they might be a little scared, but my, my knowledge of having the renovation helps kind of ease that scare so they can [00:07:00] more easily go into it, knowing that, Hey, if you do this amount of work to this structure, then you know, this is, this is gonna be the after repair value.
So it also helps them with future equity opportunities and being able to see that in advance.
Paul Neal: so, so you’re essentially, you’re helping to paint the vision of what this property could be, not just what you’re buying today, but what it could be. You know, if you know, with a little bit of, a little bit of love, a little bit of tension, certain focused areas based on your experience.
And also coupling that with the financial background in terms of. You know, this is about what, this is what it’s gonna take to do this. And, and, um, you know, here’s the
Drew Miller: outcome, correct. And even the option for say, you know, a lot of people want swim in the pool, for example, well, their home might not have that right away, but if you have the right layout of the lot, the acreage, the right backyard, [00:08:00] Um, as long as you’re not digging into any power lines or anything crazy, um, you at least have that vision of, Hey, I want a swimming pool.
I go, I can easily more easily go well, Hey, you know what, after you get this deal with, with Paul and you know, you, you, you go through the process. Um, you actually could do a renovation refinance later when you’re ready. Um, at some point, if you’d. Just for a swimming pool. And a lot of people don’t know that they can do that.
You don’t have to do other renovations inside the home. You could do it that way, or at least know, Hey, I can save up. I don’t have to do a loan. I can easily pay for it at some point, but then they kind of know, okay, well, if I go into this house and say, there’s no other neighbors with a pool at all, and they’d be the only one that wanted it anyway.
Well that adds an app appealing value. Swimming pools are, are more like, Hey, people are looking for, for the [00:09:00] summertime. It doesn’t add a, a huge, huge amount of value as far as equity’s concerned, but it does add enough. And, and as you know, Paul, the buyers determine the value of the home. What, what, what are they willing to pay for it?
And if you’re, if you’re one of fewer the pools, then you’re gonna be appealing in the neighborhood.
Paul Neal: well, you also have all the neighbor’s kids at your house, so that’s, you know, that that’s actually not a bad side effect. If you wanna keep an eye out on your own kids, as they grow up
Drew Miller: yeah. Put the neighborhood tip bucket out.
You might make a tip. Let me just throw a tip in there so I can go swimming. That’s right.
Paul Neal: That’s right. That’s right. So do you, do you have drew like a, is there like a, we talked a lot about renovations, but do you guys focus on a specialized niche or an ideal client that you really like to focus?
Drew Miller: Or work with, um, I, I work with really a variety across the board.
Um, I, I have knowledge and a [00:10:00] vast array. I primarily work in residential. Um, but, um, I do have quite a few investors that I’ve worked with as well, do a little bit in the commercial side. I really want to know more about that. Um, so it’s really across the board. Um, , but I do, I will say as of the last couple of years, a year and a half or so, I’ve gained more investors and I’ve noticed that they are looking for things like, um, actually quite a few that are looking for flips, um, picks and flip.
Um, I worked with one recently, one example for you where, um, I was representing the seller, the investors normal go-to agent was out of town. I helped this buyer. Uh, we got into a dual agency situation, which my firm actually allows. And, um, so I ended up representing [00:11:00] both parties. Well, he flipped the home, which was originally a duplex, turned it into a single family because it actually worked out better for cops, for him financially for it to be back to a single family.
So he turned it. Three story top to bottom, added a bath and a half with an unfinished basement. And it turned out to be a very profitable scenario, buying it at 115,000 and then reselling it for 300,000 .
Paul Neal: So I’ll say that’s a good
Drew Miller: return. Exactly. So, and now I’m helping him list that home. So now that’s the third transaction I’ve had on the same property, which is, uh, probably rare.
But, but I definitely like working with investors. It it’s something that I take pride in. I’m I’m glad to be able to help them. And that growing relationships helps me too. I mean, I can definitely work with them on other deals as well. Whether they’re looking to build, whether they’re looking for multi-family, uh, rip for rental, residual [00:12:00] income,
Paul Neal: you know?
Right. Why? Yeah, that’s great. And that, that’s a great story. Investors are, are a lot of fun just because they have a, you know, they, they have a longer term perspective. Many of them, I mean, there’s a lot of first time investors, as you know, that you have to educate quite a. Yeah. You know, there is a learning curve there, but once they kind of get their hands around the, the, the concept, um, it’s, it’s a, it’s a fun way to build wealth, you know, through real estate.
And it’s a nice, and, and you really get to partner up with them, right. Because it’s not just a transactional kind of thing. It’s something that you really you’re working together as a team. It’s very
Drew Miller: rewarding. I mean, I, I, I make a little bit of money. Of course, you know, I’ve gotta provide for my family.
Sure. But it’s very rewarding for me to see someone succeed. They’re growing in the area that they’re passionate about. Maybe they can quit their job and say, Hey, I wanna be a home flipper, whatever they’re doing, but ha increasing their bank account makes me ever the more happy that means I’m also doing my job career.
[00:13:00] So
Paul Neal: it is well, it’s a, it’s a win-win, you know, uh, making money is not a bad thing. You know, good people do good things with. Bad people do bad things with money, but it’s pretty inert. And I’ll say somebody said, uh, you know, you know, uh, money doesn’t make you happy, but, and that’s true, but not having money.
Certainly doesn’t add your happiness either. Correct? so cleaning this world woman. Yeah. Yeah. It gives you choice and, and that’s one thing I want to come back. I’m gonna circle back to, I know that we mentioned in the introduction that you. Part part of this is your ministry. I’m I wanna come back to that, cuz I think that’s important.
And, and I know you, you’re not trying to make a big deal about that, but I do wanna mention it cuz I think it’s important. Right. Um, what I wanna, what I wanna hear now is just kind of fun. I want, I wanna learn about one of your most interesting real estate transactions. I know you’ve got some doozies.
Drew Miller: Well, I do. Um, let’s see. I, I would say one time I sold, I was the listing. For a [00:14:00] very dear friend. And I, um, I worked with her in the children’s ministry at a local church and we built a strong relationship and she wanted me to sell her home. And of course I never know for sure what I’m walking into. Maybe do a little bit of research, but ideally I want to go see the home and you know, all of that take my notes.
Well, I went and I realized that it wasn’t just one home. It was two in one in Chesapeake. So two structures on one lot. Well, the interesting part of this, and of course, I’m thinking, how am I going to market this and sell this? And you know, all the normal thoughts, the front home is a wrench brick, and it had one and a half bats, but the full back was in the hallway and the half bath was in.
It’s one of the bedrooms, there was no bathroom inside a bedroom. Well, then the [00:15:00] warehouse was a two story with siding and it was meant to be like a guest suite. As I started digging more and more, I realized through the city of Chesapeake that they want their in-law suites attached. Most of the time, if it’s detached, it applies to a certain set of rules in the city.
so I did the research and found out that it had to be a guest suite. It, it, it couldn’t be, you could have it as income producing. So then I’m thinking, okay, well that changes things because I have to target this towards a multi-generational family that is willing to do this. I can’t legally market it as an income producing property with the police structure, which I thought was a challenge because I’m like, okay, well, investors would jump all over.
Hm, because I knew the mortgage and you know, what her mortgage was and realized that they could have made a lot of money. [00:16:00] So I had to do a very strategic marketing strategy, but in addition to that, I also had to send a drone up above the homes and take really good, awesome photos to, to make it look nice to show the two structures.
And it’s like, you look at it and you go, well, where’s the other driveway? Well, you’re, it’s a shared driveway too, so it’s not, and there’s not opportunity to make an. So it’s literally one house behind the other. So anyways, it, it was a very weird scenario. And, and when I, when I talked to brokers, I’ve been in the industry total 10, 10 years.
But when I talked to a broker that’s been in the industry 25 or 30 years. they’ll tell you they never come across scenarios like this. And they’ve probably had maybe three or four in-law suite scenarios total. Well, for some reason I gravitate towards them. I’ve had numerous in-law this isn’t just the first one I’ve done this.
Isn’t the first in-law suite rodeo I’ve been in, but it, it might have to be a very fun [00:17:00] story. It was a little more challenging. I usually do marketing very well. You know, have extra strategic efforts to make things go pretty quickly. That one didn’t go quite as quickly as I’d hoped, but it was a fun story.
It was a good memory. I can look back on it. I see it show up on my Facebook memories page, um, of the story of selling that home and this lady upgraded to a very awesome home. And the other cool part of this was that her, her mother. um, was 96 years old when we sold the house and the purpose of her selling, it was to her mom was in the front house.
She was in the rear house. She wanted to be together. And so she’s still like, she’s like 99, almost a hundred now, still alive. Very good sound mind. And they live together in this awesome large under one.
Paul Neal: Wow. Wonder. Wow. well, that is interesting. Yeah, that, that would be, it seems like that would be tricky to sell.
So you had to get really [00:18:00] creative there didn’t you? I did. I did. Yeah. Yeah. Well, that’s, I mean, that’s what I find makes a great real estate agent. A great entrepreneur period is, is really getting creative because there’s no shortage in. People call ’em challenges problems. I call ’em opportunities. Right?
Okay. Hey, it’s an opportunity to solve a problem, to add some value and, and, you know, anyone can grab the low hanging fruit across, you know, whatever business they’re in or whatever industry, but there’s no, there’s no money there. There’s no real satisfaction there, but to go in and, and, and take something like this and create a solution, that’s win a win for everybody.
Is, uh, is what it’s all about, right? Yeah, absolutely. It
Drew Miller: would take a lot for me to say no. I mean, I’m always gonna try to help, um, everybody in every situation, so,
Paul Neal: well you have a, you definitely have a serving heart. No, no doubt. Tell me this. I mean, cuz you’ve seen a lot. What D you know, [00:19:00] what do you do to stay productive today and, um, to stay focused, you know, in, in, in the world that we’re in right now?
Well, I
Drew Miller: mean, To stay focused. I mean, I try to, I try to eat pretty well. Um, I don’t know if I eat the best all the time, but , um, I, I, I’m not a big veggie guy. I there. Um, but one thing that helps me stay focused is really, like you said, servant parted. I, I feed off of serving other people. I really want to promote a love and value.
business. Um, and I, and I’m the same way in my personal life too. You know, I just, I just wanna be genuine about caring about people and helping ’em meet their goals. And it motivates me. It, it helps me. Um, I want to go above and beyond the normal call of duty as sort of a, you know, we have our staple foods.
I, I want to look at it [00:20:00] as my staple strategy, you know, I wanna make sure I have just the regular things about me and it keeps me. Uh, it keeps
Paul Neal: me going. So your heart is to serve. I mean, that’s absolutely.
Drew Miller: I mean, yeah, that that’s, that, that’s where it’s at for me. I mean, I, I, I look at it as coming along someone and if they’re going through a struggle, even in their personal life, I will never get personal unless they want me to.
But if they, if they need me for prayer guidance, counseling type of things, mm-hmm, may not be licensed in all those areas, but we’re just coming alongside each other as human beings, helping meet each other’s. But the, the home buying or the home selling process in itself, as far as business is concerned is a very personal thing.
So I say, why not make it personal on that level and make sure they know that you’re walking with them throughout the process so that they, they know they know you care, but I, I don’t wanna be fake about it. I wanna be like, Hey, you know, I really do care. I want you to have your [00:21:00] goals. But I want you to have the personal touch and, and maybe we’ll be a friend in the end, you know?
Well, it’s
Paul Neal: a, I mean, it’s a, it’s a stressful experience, right? I mean, it’s one of those things. I forget the, the hierarchy of like the seven most stressful events in your life, you know, getting married, I think, uh, changing jobs. Buying or selling a house. I mean, moving has gotta be in the top three right.
Or four. Right? Right. Absolutely. There’s a lot, there’s a lot going on. You, you know, you’ve got kids to deal with and maybe some, in some case you got your adults, you know, like maybe your parents you’re taking care of yeah. Job situations, lot of timing issues, that sort of thing.
Drew Miller: There’s a lot involved. I mean, I’ve, I’ve helped.
I’ve actually, to be honest, we, you helped clients write their resumes in the middle of the process. They qualified, but they just wanted a better job, even though they qualified to buy. Right. They did, did a better job. And I said, well, I’ve got an English degree. I’ll help you. .
Paul Neal: And, and [00:22:00] who thought that would ever come in handy?
Drew Miller: Right? Well, you never know. I mean, it’s, it’s nice to be able to put it, to use Paul when you pay for an education thing, you decide not to go that rap. Trust me. It’s very
Paul Neal: nice to, I have to ask, you know, do you ever quote Shakespeare to them?
Drew Miller: And the funny thing is I’m a theater guy. I’ve, I’ve, I’ve been involved in either active, written, or directed over 35 productions.
Wow. And I’m not a big fan of Shakespeare now. I like to, I like to watch Shakespeare, but I don’t like to act direct or quote most of the time.
Paul Neal: Hey, Toine, ownself be true. But beyond that, I, I I’m I’m with you. I’ve never acted in Shakespeare. I’ve never been in a play and I still don’t like it.
Drew Miller: I can appreciate it when someone else is doing it professionally, because memorizing that is insane, but yeah, not me.
Paul Neal: Yeah. Yeah, no, I’m I’m with you, but that that’s cool. It is good to, [00:23:00] well, you know, I mean, here’s the thing from English. I, I think, you know, an English degree, all the, all the reading, all the writing, all the things that you had to do to get that, you know, to me, it helps you develop your abil and your acting.
For crying out loud. It, it hones your ability to communicate. Right. Right. And so you’re in a communication business, you’re in a relationship business and I think that’s critically important. And I think a lot of people have lost that ability today.
Drew Miller: Yeah. So I, they do it just, I don’t want to drift away from making it personal and staying personal with everyone and making.
you know, there’s ever, there’s never any pressure to, to go beyond business. If you want me to be business and robotic or whatever, I’ll do it. But I just I’d like to be open to more just because some people need more, some people need life advice. You know, some people need help with their resume. Some people need editing an email, you know,
Paul Neal: well, no, that’s [00:24:00] true.
And you know, we, we used to be, you know, the, we used to be a nation of the corner store where people go down the local hardware store. And I remember, um, when I moved to, to the great bridge area, Grassfield, there was a little local hardware store. And home Depot was across town. And man, I always went to the local hardware store and they’d never had the selection that home Depot had.
Right. But it was always kind of a comfortable place to go. And if I had a question, I’m not a DIY guy. And so they, you know, and they knew they, they got to know me. And so they, when they saw me coming, they knew they had to help, but they were always there to help. And it was great and I appreciated it. And.
um, I, I think there’s, there is a lot of value there and, you know, and, and, and you don’t, and, and you’re not the kind of guy to get in somebody’s face you’re, you’re, you’re there as a resource to help whatever level that they want to be. And that’s what I’m taking from you. Um, talk about the market a little bit.
Now I know things have changed quite a bit, you know, with interest rates and the, the world, you [00:25:00] know, we’re in September right now of 2022. What’s what are you seeing as the biggest challenge and. And, and what are you doing about it?
Drew Miller: Well, I mean, honestly, the low inventory has surprised me that it’s continued to, I guess you could say to rise lower , um, it’s, it it’s lower than it it’s ever been.
I believe, especially in Hampton road, Virginia, where we live and operate mostly. Um, I think that affects. Uh, I mean, I think if I had to say something to you, sellers out there, I would say, please step up to the plate. Remember that using a professional agent as well is always worth it, uh, to get it done the right way.
But I think addressing the low, low inventory. And what the way to really approach that would also be to try to keep my ears open, to be able to, to, um, hear about sellers that maybe are [00:26:00] on the fence. Um, but still, you know, deeply wanting to sell. You’re still hearing that, but they’re maybe on the fence and it’s really just trying to stay and good communication to be able to, um, promote that because I mean, honestly the market and the economy needs it.
Um, it’s a good thing. Um, And then of course there comes the advice of walking them through it without pressure and, and helping them get through it. But, but I mean, honestly I think the low inventory is a challenge, um, especially for people in my industry, because I mean, obviously on the sell side, well, you know, it’s hard to get a house to sell, but they there’s low inventory, but it’s also hard to find the place to buy because there’s low inventory.
So I really do see that as the biggest challenge. You know, I, I, I, I think we’ll rise. I think we’ll overcome, um, you know, it, it kind of goes up and down just like we’ve seen interest rates go up in magazine, but, [00:27:00] um, but yeah, I mean, I, I really would hope to see more of that and, you know, if I can be a part of it, you know, I’m, I’m, I’m glad to have as many listings as I can.
Of course. Um, but you know, I just think there are situations. some people do get stuck, you know, I mean, it’s different when you have a home where you’re renting it out and you want to leave it as a long term investment. You’re probably not gonna sell that for some time, but it’s always moving. You know, it’s, it’s the awesome thing about this industry.
Things are always moving. People are always moving and, and there’s always a, especially in an area where, um, military thrive. You know, coming
Paul Neal: together, so right. Yeah. I mean, people get stationed, they get, they get new orders, they move. And, um, that’s just the nature of the, uh, of the life around here for, uh, for just about everyone.
When you see when, when a, when a nice home comes on the market, is there [00:28:00] still a lot of attention on it? Buyers wise kind of going after. I mean, if
Drew Miller: you hit absolutely. If you hit the, the marks, which is what I say is the big three, you know, you hit location. You know, you hit the price point and it’s good condition.
You hit those three. Typically it’s going to go still pretty quickly. Yeah. Um, you know, I am seeing a little bit of a shift right now. If we’re talking September 20, 22, as we’re doing this podcast, I’m seeing a little bit of a shift where we’re not. Major cash guarantees above appraised value people were.
Yeah. I don’t see that as much. I’m even seeing hits and some closing costs assistance here and there. So being encouraged buyers. Yeah. Um, but, but yeah, I mean, you, you gotta hit those three condition, price, location. And then, I mean, the photos matter if, if, if photo number two is a picture of somebody’s cat on the stair.
I mean, I don’t whether you’d like [00:29:00] cats or not, but , you usually keep scrolling, you know, they wanna see the first few photos as. As good,
Paul Neal: good market. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Uh, I’m not a cat fan for the record, but I, but I have one now since my daughter got one and then she went off to college and left it with us.
So not a cat fan hunter, but yeah. No, but you’re, you’re definitely right. You’re absolutely right. I mean the low inventory is an issue. Um, but when those homes do come to the market, if they’re listed properly with those key points, um, we’re seeing it too. They’re they’re going fast. It’s it’s it might not be as aggressive as before.
And thank goodness. It, it isn’t because we needed some, some balance in the market. Right. We needed some, some, uh, cooler heads to prevail. Absolutely. Yeah. That’s, that’s really an everyone’s long term benefit, uh, for, for the, the housing. Market and for the values of the homes and that sort of thing. So drew, um, man, we’re actually kind of running outta time here, man.
Uh, this no worries. This confrontation’s going fast. We need [00:30:00] to do we need to do this again?
Drew Miller: Yeah, absolutely. We’re glad to be back on. I really enjoy it. Tell me
Paul Neal: tell all of our listeners how they can get up with you. If they want a superstar agent to work with, um, somebody that’ll go above and beyond your call of duty.
If, if necessary, if wanted, um, how do they get up in touch with
Drew Miller: you, man? Well, call myself (770) 596-2696. You can text or call me anytime. I do have a Georgia cell phone number. I’m kind of, it’s sentimental to me. I’ve had it for a long time and I can’t. But that’s okay. Just don’t dial 7, 5 7 is seven, seven.
Oh. Um, but yeah, reach me there. Um, you can visit me online. You can find me drew Miller, uh, first class Mid-Atlantic. Um, I’m also tied to app piece Realty. Um, as Paul had mentioned earlier on, uh, where we run our businesses in ministry, my wife and I are both, both licensed through real estate. Um, Virginia, [00:31:00] North Carolina here for me, Virginia for.
Um, and yeah, I mean, we’d be, be glad to help you. We, like we said, we love value people. We treat people well, and we discount commissions. We give back to charity, we do all that good stuff. So. Good. Thank you.
Paul Neal: Awesome. Well, we’re gonna get that phone number, uh, in those web locations of the show notes so people can have ’em yeah.
And, uh, drew it’s been awesome. Hanging out here, buddy.
Drew Miller: Absolutely. Thank you Paul. Very much. And, uh, appreciate you having me.
Paul Neal: Yeah, man. We’ll uh, we’ll do this again.
Drew Miller: Sounds good. Let’s do it.